Issues no matter how broad or specific are issues nonetheless. So what’s the deal? They exist because life is frustratingly boring without it. Perhaps without issues, people won’t have much to talk about and I can’t seem to imagine an issue-free world. In the bible, the divine God had issues, to begin with. I’m not mocking the holy grail of Christianity and what nots because I’m simply making an effort not to bury this fact in life.
My brother used to have sexuality issues and he wasn’t afraid to show the world what he was going through. No, it doesn’t run in the family. In fact, a friend of mine confided with me about her boss’ relationship issues and I know someone who’s doing great in stock brokerage who has authority issues. Somehow I get the feeling that the reason why some people divert their attention to other things is because the issues they have are vivid reflections of their fears. I hate to judge but fears are to be taken constructively. If fears existed to forever put us in vain then surely no one can survive reality. Accept the fact that the coin has two sides. That’s us right there. It’s similar to avoiding one-sided stories. Again, issues are not fatal but it can be if you don’t do the right thing. Handle them as responsibly as possible. Our issues will always be in existence no matter what, period. It’s that simple. Issues, issues, issues. See?
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